django mysql

I have googled this and looked at documentation but can't seem to find a good answer. How is mySQL used in Django, if at all? I just want to know if I need to learn mySQL before ...

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Python是一款簡單強大又好用的動態語言,在國外已經流行了十幾年。Python擁有更高的時效性,可以讓您的開發週期更短,並讓您的生產力提升。 簡單易學,並有內建的各種現成的模組 ...

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  • Databases Django attempts to support as many features as possible on all database backends...
    Databases | Django documentation | Django
  • 之前做 Ubike ETL 系統時 (用Python 抓取 Ubike 開放資料),使用 MySQL 當作資料庫,用 MySQLdb 這個套件下 SQL 連接 MySQL。可是如果...
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  • Connector/Python 1.1.1 and up includes a mysql.connector.django module that provides a Dja...
    MySQL :: MySQL ConnectorPython Developer Guide :: 9.2 ...
  • 如果提示缺少setuptools还要下载安装setuptools(建议提前安上,因为在安装MySQL for Python的时候也会用到)。 完成安装后,Django会拷贝 dja...
    Django+MySQL安装配置详解(Linux)[更新为1.8.2版] – Perchouli ...
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  • I want to move away from PHP a little and learn Python. In order to do web development wit...
    python - Setting Django up to use MySQL - Stack Overflow ...
  • I have googled this and looked at documentation but can't seem to find a good answer. ...
    Django and mySQL - Stack Overflow
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  • 以上是Django 1.4以后的目录结构,如果是1.4之前的版本,manage.py和settings.py等文件是在同一层。manage.py只是用来执行命令,移动或是改名都没有...
    Django+Mysql安装配置详解(Linux) - 张 三 - 博客园